Need Help
Resources for People
If you, your family, or loved ones are in need of immediate assistance, we suggest the following resources.
LanderConnected If you need help with something (yard work, technology assistance, a regular phone call, etc), you can ask for help from the community by going to Lander Connected and pressing the "Submit Need" button at the top of the page. Once the need has been submitted, volunteers will come to help.
Fremont Forward is a place to offer help or request assistance across Fremont County.
Mr D's will deliver food to your home or provide curbside service.
Lander Care and Share Food Bank remains open with curbside service. Trucks still coming as usual.
Carol Smith has organized a group called #LanderTogether-Community Strong. This group of volunteers is delivering groceries and prescriptions free to seniors and those who are homebound or have a potentially compromised immune system. Call or email Carol to make arrangements.
Wyoming Hunger Initiative has information on Fremont Co. school closure meals and delivery.
Lander United Methodist Church - has a free food pantry. It is open from 9-12 am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
CDC - How to protect yourself and what to do if you are sick
Lander Medical Clinic - COVID-19 Updates
Sagewest Healthcare - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Preparedness Information
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services - Unemployment Resources For Individuals
Resources for Businesses and Organizations
Lander Community Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund - If you represent an organization providing support to Lander citizens impacted by COVID-19 and would like more information about the LCF COVID-19 Relief Fund, please complete this form.
The Working End - For individuals or organizations within Lander looking for assistance with creative services such as web design, writing, or marketing. Get connected with the creative individuals who live right in your own backyard. Get Connected
Wyoming Business Council - Wyoming Business Relief Programs
Wyoming Department of Workforce Services - COVID-19 Resources For Businesses
Wyoming SBDC Network - COVID-19 Resources for Small Businesses
Federal Reserve - Main Street Lending Program
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
American Massage Therapist Association - COVID-19 Resources for Massage Therapists
Associated Hair Professionals - COVID-19 Updates for Hair Professionals
National Retail Federation - Coronavirus Resources for Retailers - Restaurant Owner Resources for Surviving the Coronavirus Crisis